Construction works for the Margaret River Recreation Centre will continue into the second half of the year, ahead of opening the new and improved facility in late 2023.
Next month, main project contractor BYTE Construct will focus on installing the remaining structures and roof cover over the children’s lagoon and new standalone café, followed by cladding of the exterior walls.Hats off to the locally based construction crew for installing most of the primary structural steel and completing the main roof covering and water proofing of the adjacent existing structures before the rains arrived in May. Because of their efforts, refurbishment works have remained on track throughout the wetter months - the first fix electrical and plumbing works are now being completed, and intermediate steel structural works are being installed.
Construction works are progressing well despite finding further deterioration to the existing pool shell during demolition earlier in the year. The pool shell had reached the end of its useable life and has now been replaced due to the nature of the concealed damage. These remediation works have been accounted for within the project’s contingency budget and the new shell will ensure structural integrity, serving our aquatic users well into the future.
We’re excited to see the project come to life – Margaret River will have an improved centre which will provide enhanced community facilities for a range of sports. It will be more accessible for key user groups including young families and those with mobility restrictions.
A planned opening for the refurbished centre is anticipated for December 2023.
Interested community members and centre users can stay up to date with the latest project developments via the Rec Centre Refurb YourSay page.
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