The Shire will be completing reconstruction works at Warner Glen Road.
The works involve widening the road formation to allow for a 6.5m wide seal, importation of new road pavement material and drainage renewal. These works are funded by the Regional Road Groups (Main Roads) and the Shire of Augusta Margaret River.
Stage 1 of these works involves drainage culvert renewal and is scheduled to commence on 24 October and last for three weeks.
All works will be completed under temporary single lane closures with traffic management in place and some delays are likely. Please follow signage and drive to the conditions. The Shire appreciates your patience during these works. If there is an alternative route, please consider this.
Should you have further enquiries regarding these works, please contact Phil Lantzke, Coordinator of Works at [email protected] or on 0437 516 338.
These works are carried out in accordance with section 3.50A of the Local Government Act 1995, Part 3 (functions of Local Governments – partially closing certain thoroughfares to vehicles).