Restricted Burning Period Has Commenced

Prohibited Burning Period has been Suspended

The Shire of Augusta Margaret River will move into the Restricted Burning Period from Saturday 4 May 2024 to midnight on Friday 17 May, 2024, unless varied. 

This means a Permit to Burn is required prior to lighting any a fire in the open air, and includes the following conditions:

  • Residents and landowners wanting to burn garden refuse on their property can apply for a Permit through their local Bush Fire Control Officer.
  • Campfires and firepits are permitted on private property without a Permit but cannot be lit before 6pm and must be extinguished by 11pm. A Permit to Burn is required outside of these times. 
  • All Permits will be suspended on any day with a Fire Danger Rating of High or above. No campfires and firepits are to be lit on these days. 

The Prohibited Burning Period was previously extended after a long dry summer, but now we’ve had some rain the Restricted Burning Period can commence. This gives landowners an opportunity to do some fuel reduction burning, provided they have a valid Permit to Burn.

Details on how to apply for a Permit can be obtained through your local Bush Fire Control Officer whose details are listed in the Shire’s Firebreak Notice Requirements and Bushfire Information 2023-24. 

Residents seeking further details or information can contact the Shire’s Community Emergency Services Manager on 9780 5285.

03 May 2024 Topic Type
General News
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