The rural re-sheeting program works are due to commence in October 2022. As a large area to cover, works are anticipated to be completed by June 2023.
The program maintains the Shire’s gravel roads which have become degraded due to wear and tear along with improvement of safety.Works will commence at Oldfield Road and Manear Road. The remainder of the program consists of Low Rd and Ablett Rd. this will be a total of 12kms over all 4 roads. Property access during works will not be affected.
During these works, traffic management signage will be in place and some delays are likely. Please ensure you drive to the conditions during works and we appreciate your patience. The Shire will endeavour to avoid lengthy delays, however where an alternative route is possible, please consider this.
These works are funded by Roads to Recovery and the Shire.
Should you have further enquiries regarding these works, please contact the Shire’s Coordinator Works, Phil Lantzke via [email protected] or on 0437 516 338
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