The Prohibited Burning Period for the Shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 28 March 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.
Rural Road Reseals

Preparation works for the rural reseal program are due to commence in October. It is anticipated that the reseal works will be completed by the end of November (weather permitting).

The reseal program is an application which includes the additional layer of bitumen sealant and aggregate wear coat helping prolong life of the road surface. These works will include shoulder works and patching. 

Roads included are:

Augusta - Armstrong Rd and Hillview Rd
Molloy Island - Clements Cres
Karridale - Vansittart Rd
Osmington - Osmington Rd
Margaret River - Betts Ct, Garthowen Rd, Heron Dr and Rocky Rd

Other sealing works will be carried out to improve safety for the maintenance grader activities on the following intersections.

These include:

Gracetown - Palandri Rd and Caves Rd
Witchcliffe - Stevens Rd and Redgate Rd, Thompson Rd and Redgate Rd
Cowaramup - Webster Rd and Miamup Rd

These works will be closely followed by the Shire’s preferred contractor to carry out road sealing

During works, individual property will not be affected. At times there will be single lane closures.

During these works, traffic management will be in place and some delays are likely.  Please follow signage and controllers directions and drive to the conditions. The Shire will endeavour to avoid lengthy delays, however where an alternative route is possible, please consider this.

Should you have further enquiries regarding these works, please contact the Shire’s Works Coordinator, Phillip Lantzke via email [email protected] or on 0437 516 338

These works are carried out in accordance with section 3.50A of the Local Government Act 1995, Part 3 (functions of Local Governments – partially closing certain thoroughfares to vehicles).
28 Sep 2022 Topic Type
Public Notice
Augusta, Cowaramup, Gracetown, Karridale and Kurdardup, Margaret River, Witchcliffe
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