Adopted by Shire Council at last night’s meeting, the 2023-24 Annual Budget and Corporate Business Plan aim to achieve the objectives in our Strategic Community Plan and keep our community inclusive, connected and sustainable.
The well-considered 2023-24 Annual Budget has a focus on ensuring the increase in Council rates is kept as low as possible and that existing services and infrastructure are able to be maintained now and into the future.
We live in one of the fastest growing regions in Western Australia and the needs and expectations of our diverse community are evolving over time. We understand that some of the community’s priorities are outside of our control, such as the provision of quality healthcare and crime prevention, and for these we will continue to advocate on the community’s behalf. Many of community’s priorities are within our control however, such as the way we handle customer enquiries and deliver our road maintenance program. We've listened to our community’s feedback and are prioritising investment in these areas.
We recently developed our first Customer Experience Strategy, with actions budgeted for 2023-24 focused on improving our internal processes. We want our customers to understand our decision-making processes and to feel like they’ve received excellent customer service after any interaction they have with us.
We recognise the importance of providing a road network which is safe and efficient. This is a particular challenge for the Shire given our large network of unsealed and rural roads. Earlier in 2023 we undertook an assessment of the condition of all our infrastructure assets to help us fine-tune our priorities for road renewal requirements over the coming years.
The 2023-24 the budget includes over $4 million dedicated to road renewal and upgrade works, including major renewal works for Cowaramup Bay Road, Rosa Brook Road and Warner Glen Road, along with improvements to Glenarty Road in Karridale and various programs for rural road resheeting and improvements to other roads throughout the Shire.
The economic climate is challenging to say the least, with the Shire exposed to rapidly increasing costs in the delivery of services and facilities, including the cost of construction materials, streetlighting and contract labour. It is a priority for Council to responsibly oversee the Shire’s budget, ensuring financial sustainability now and into the future. As such we also continue to put money away into reserves, ensuring that we are able to meet future asset renewal requirements, and allow for future unforeseen circumstances.
Council are proud to present a budget which balances these economic challenges with the need to continue provision of services and facilities sustainably now and into the future, and also supporting community with cost of living pressures, keeping the increase in Council rates below the current rate of CPI.
To find out what the budget is funding in each place for 2023-24 please go to Places. To access the budget please go to Annual Budget.