Our skate parks offer thrills and entertainment for skaters and riders of all ages and abilities.
It's important to skate smart, avoid putting yourself and others at risk and remember to respect and share these spaces to ensure the safety of our community.
When using our much-loved parks in the Shire, please remember to:- Ride safely and responsibly, ensuring you wear the right safety gear
- Consider others and don't cause a nuisance
- Avoid causing damage to property
- Report an issue if you see tampered assets
- If the issue is urgent and people are injured, please call for 000 for police or ambulance assistance
If you notice a safety or maintenance issue, please Report It / Request It with us online.
If the issue is urgent, please contact us by phone as soon as possible.
28 Jul 2023
General News
Augusta, Cowaramup, Margaret River
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