Photo Credit: Mike Griffiths, Nature Conservation Margaret River Region
Can you spot the difference between a native plant and a weed?
The Friends of Barrett Street Reserve recently rose to the challenge of identifying and removing invasive weeds at their working bee on the foreshore of Wooditjup Bilya (Margaret River).
Volunteers partnered with the Shire and Nature Conservation Margaret River Region to successfully remove a number of invasive weed species including asparagus fern, bleeding heart, cabbage tree, broom and sweet violet.
In addition, over 100 pittosporum plants were removed by the group – a fantastic achievement!
The site, along the river walk trail near the Old Settlement, will be planted next winter with local native species. The aim is to enhance biodiversity and habitat along Wooditjup Bilya.
To find out more about invasive weeds you can:
- Visit Barrett Street Reserve and check out the ‘Insidious’ art installation near the Old Settlement. The installation includes informative signage.
- Read about the five most common weeds in our shire and how to control them.
Keen to join a Friends group?
We have more working bees coming up across the Shire! Please get in contact with the Shire’s Environment and Landcare Team at [email protected] or on 9780 5218.
02 Nov 2023
General News
Margaret River
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