The Prohibited Burning Period for the Shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 28 March 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.
Talented local artists chosen for art banner project

Two talented local artists have been selected for the Main Street Art Banner project, in which they both celebrate the uniqueness of our natural environment in their artwork.

Successful applicants for the public art commission include Artists and Graphic Designers Emily Jackson and Tim Kerr.

This exciting project strives to create a strong and vibrant sense of place for Margaret River town centre and recognises the endemic flora and fauna of the region.

There are 14 banner posts (two banners per post) that run along the Margaret River town centre on Bussell Highway.

Up first is Emily Jackson who’s renowned for her beautiful, brightly coloured nature designs. Her set of three designs which extend over two banners, include incredible bursts of colour and feature the vulnerable forest red-tailed black cockatoo and hooded plover.

Emily uses multiple techniques which she layers and forms a digital image, providing the viewer the opportunity to see something new every time.

After three months, the banners will be rotated and Tim Kerr’s designs, which celebrate the local culture and connection to the land, will be unveiled!

Main Street Banner Artists Tim Kerr and Emily Jackson, pictured far left and right, with Shire President Paula Cristoffanini and Project Planning Officer Susan Elton in front of the newly installed art banners.

30 May 2023 Topic Type
General News
Margaret River
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