Unprecedented Extension to Prohibited Burning Period

Prohibited Burning Period Extended to 30 April 2024

The Prohibited Burning Period in the Shire of Augusta Margaret River has been extended for a third time and will apply until midnight, Tuesday 30 April 2024. This means no fires can be lit in the open air.  

With abnormally dry conditions throughout the Shire and no rainfall forecast for the coming weeks, the decision has been made to extend the Prohibited Burning Period to keep the community safe, amid concerns that a fire could quickly get out of control.

All visitors and residents are urged to remain respectful of the fire restrictions that have been in place this fire season. The simple rule is - No fires.

For more information about fire requirements during the Prohibited Burning Period please refer to the Firebreak Notice and Bushfire Information 2023-2024.

12 Apr 2024 Topic Type
General News
Augusta, Cowaramup, Gracetown, Karridale and Kurdardup, Margaret River, Prevelly and Gnarabup, Scott River, Witchcliffe
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