Council last night resolved to support a recommendation to the independent Joint Development Approval Panel (JDAP) for a proposed development at 752 (Lot 101) Wallcliffe Road, Margaret River, known as the site of Wallcliffe House.
The historic homestead, ‘Wallcliffe House’ was built in 1865 but destroyed by bushfires in 2011.
The owners of the site would like to rebuild and restore the ruins of Wallcliffe House and turn it into a luxury hotel. They are also proposing to build seven chalets and establish a restaurant and spa for guests. The estimated the value of the development is $21.5million.
As the development is valued at over $10M, the Shire is not authorised to approve the development, so the decision must be made by the JDAP, informed by the Shire’s assessment and recommendation.
JDAPs are overseen by the WA Planning Commission (WAPC) and the panel is made up of 3 technical experts and 2 elected council members.
To inform our recommendation, the Shire undertook public consultation and considered the proposal against planning criteria, including the sites Indigenous Heritage significance and proposed bushfire mitigation controls.
The Minister for Aboriginal Affairs has confirmed the project can be undertaken without adverse impact, and approval has been granted by the Hon Minister under the Aboriginal Heritage Act.
The bushfire management plan submitted with the proposal has been developed by a level 3 bushfire practitioner, which is the highest certified level. While we are satisfied with the plan, as a precaution, we have recommended to the JDAP the bushfire plan should be independently reviewed by a second level three practitioner before the development can progress.
The JDAP is expected to meet consider the proposal soon and will make the final decision about whether the development can proceed.