Department of Transport services unavailable
Due to maintenance work on the 4G network by Telstra in the region, we are currently unable to process any Department of Transport transactions.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and will provide updates as soon as we receive them from Telstra.

Energy is at the heart of the climate challenge, contributing to 19% of the Augusta Margaret River community's emissions. 

Fortunately, it is also one of the key solutions and luckily in Australia, we have access to the cheapest home energy in the world - our rooftop solar. 

Making small changes to the way we use electricity can make a big difference, including:

  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions which contribute to climate change
  • Reducing your power bill
  • Contributing to community wellbeing

We have included some useful tips and resources below to help our community continue to do amazing things and care for our place.   

Household Energy Use

Household Energy Use

Learn practical tips to reduce your home energy bills and improve sustainability, including advice on:

  • Appliances
  • Heating and cooling
  • Hot water systems
  • Lighting
  • Pool pumps
  • Renewable energy
Reduce Household Energy Use
Scorecard Energy Efficiency Assessment

Scorecard Energy Efficiency Assessment 

Keen to improve your home's energy efficiency and comfort but not sure where to start?

Scorecard is a national energy rating program for existing homes that provides tailored upgrade information. This means that any money you spend on improving your home's energy efficiency will lead to a cheaper to run and more comfortable home. 

A Scorecard assessment provides:

  • A certificate showing an energy efficiency star rating for your home
  • An easy-to-understand snapshot of how your home copes with hot and cold weather
  • Information about your main appliances such as heating, cooling and hot water service
  • Practical options to improve the home’s energy efficiency.
Learn more
Life Cycle Assessments

Life Cycle Assessments

We have partnered with Cerclos, a global leader in life cycle assessment solutions, to provide 20 free guided Life Cycle Assessments for those in the early design phase of a new home, utilising the net zero home app, RapidLCA. 

The offer is valued at $300 and aims to help homeowners identify and reduce the carbon emissions associated with building a new home.

Rebates and Assistance

Rebates and Assistance

Looking for rebates and assistance? Visit - Rebates and Assistance to learn about grants, rebates and support available to households and businesses in WA.

Guide to Environmentally Sustainable Homes

Guide to Environmentally Sustainable Homes

Your Home provides an independent guide to creating sustainable homes and advice for people who are buying, building, renovating or just looking for ways to make small improvements to their homes.

Access the guide
Business Energy Use

Business Energy Use

Looking to reduce your businesses energy use?

Visit - Business to access:

  • Guidance on energy management for business
  • Industry sector specific guidance on energy efficiency practices and innovations
  • Energy saving equipment and technology
  • Tools to help you identify ways to reduce energy costs
  • Energy efficiency skills and training opportunities
  • Government grants and funding
Find out more
Understanding Energy Ratings

Understanding Energy Ratings

Keen to understand your energy rating labels and choose efficient appliances? Visit the Energy Rating website to learn how to save money on your energy bills and help to reduce emissions.

Learn more
Electrify Augusta Margaret River Survey

Electrify Augusta Margaret River

AMR Clean Community Energy has teamed up with Rewiring Australia to establish Electrify Augusta Margaret River. 

They would love to understand how households are using energy and what barriers you may face in electrifying your home by completing a short survey (4-5 minutes). Your responses will guide programs, events and partnerships to support the community on this journey. 

Complete survey

Examples of what the Shire is doing

In 2023, the Shire slashed emissions, bringing them well below the target set in the Climate Action Plan. Some of the key actions the Shire has done to reduce emissions is:

  • Signing up for 100% renewables for our main buildings
  • Making upgrades to lighting, pumps and water heating at the Recreation Centre, and switching from gas to electricity
  • Working with Carbon Neutral to measure, reduce and offset our carbon emissions through the Biodiverse Reforestation Carbon Offsets (BRCOs) project. BRCO's remove CO2 from the atmosphere everyday and the project helps to restore the environment. With one BRCO equalling one tonne of CO2-e, we have permanently surrendered 393 BRCO's in 2021-22, and 376 BRCO's in 2022-23. 
  • Making energy efficiency upgrades to a number of our facilities to reduce emissions through a federal grant. 

Looking ahead to 2030, we will also:

  • Lobby State Government to adopt the 2019 National Construction Code and future upgrades to the code
  • Undertake a cost benefit analysis of converting streetlights to LED
  • Support the transition to all electric buildings
  • Encourage the community to retrofit with efficient electric appliances

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