Department of Transport services unavailable
Due to maintenance work on the 4G network by Telstra in the region, we are currently unable to process any Department of Transport transactions.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and will provide updates as soon as we receive them from Telstra.

Responsibility for roads and footpaths

The Shire is responsible for local roads and footpaths, as defined in the Local Government Act 1995.

Main Roads has responsibility for the State's road network, as set out in the Main Roads Act 1930 and the Road Traffic Act 1974 (including the Road Traffic Code 2000).

The Shire is responsible for wayfinding, parking, street name, community facility directional signage and reserve signage.

Report an issue

The Shire aims to build and maintain the best quality roads, streets, drainage systems, paths and associated infrastructure with available resources. 

Please use the Report It/Request It form to report issues related to:

  • Drainage 
  • Flooding
  • Roads potholes or surface issues
  • Footpaths or walkways
  • Signage. 

If the matter is urgent, or for more information, please contact the Shire's Infrastructure Services Team on (08) 9780 5255 or email [email protected]

For urgent assistance outside business hours please check Emergency Contacts

For issues on the State's road network or regulatory signs e.g. stop, give way etc. (all signs with a yellow pole) please report directly to Main Roads.

(08) 9780 5255

Riding on footpaths

Cycling on footpaths is legal in Western Australia. Anyone can cycle on a footpath, but there are some conditions. Visit the Department of Transport website for more information.


Streetlights provide illumination along roads and footpaths for public safety and security. 

Most of the streetlights within the Shire are owned and maintained by Western Power. To report a faulty Western Power streetlight please call 1800 622 008 or report a faulty Western Power streetlight online.

If you have already checked the Western Power online reporting page and cannot find the faulty streetlight, it may be one of the small number that belong to the Shire. Please email the location of the streetlight and details of the fault to [email protected].

Western Power are replacing old streetlights with LEDs, which last longer and use less energy. The new LED lights also provide a more uniform level of light and are brighter. If the increased level of light is of concern, you can choose to approach Western Power for a solution.

Western Power will consider requests only with Shire support, but you should call Western Power on 1800 622 008 first, to discuss your situation. 

If you wish to proceed with Western Power, request a letter of support from the Shire first. Please email the details of your request including the location of the streetlight, the reason for your request and the change you seek to [email protected].

If the change is supported by the Shire, you will be sent a letter of support which you can attach to your application to Western Power

Important: the applicant is responsible for all upfront costs charged by Western Power. If Western Power approves the application, the job will be created, and you will be sent an invoice for payment.

If you would like to request a new streetlight on a Shire road or footpath, please email the details of your request including the location of the proposed streetlight and the reason for your request to [email protected].

Requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and subject to available funding.

All requests for additional streetlights along Main Roads WA, such as Caves Road, Bussell Highway and Brockman Highway should be in writing and addressed to Main Roads WA.

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