Location, capacity and suitability

Alexandra Bridge Hall is a large multipurpose hall with a well equipped kitchen, verandah and outdoor playground and picnic area.

This hall is suitable for a variety of activities and events including:

  • Celebratory events
  • Fetes
  • Meetings 
  • Sessional groups.

Location: Brockman Highway, Alexandra Bridge 

Maximum capacity: 100 people

Facilities and equipment

This hall is furnished with a range of equipment:

  • Tables
  • Chairs
  • Well equipped kitchen
  • Bean bags
  • Toys
  • Table tennis
  • Dart board.

In addition, there is a playground and outside picnic area.

Hire fees

Hire typeExampleCostBond
All night 5pm-12 midnight
18th or 21st birthday  Engagement party
All day 9am-5pmFete
special event
EveningIndoor games
Dinner meeting
SessionalWeekly meetings
Exercise groups

More information and bookings

 Enquiries and bookings can be made by emailing [email protected] 

Bookings will only be confirmed once the booking form below has been completed, agreed upon and signed.

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