The Prohibited Burning Period for the Shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 28 March 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.

Find out about local government elections, voting and how to nominate as a candidate.

About Local Government elections

Local government ordinary elections are held on the third Saturday in October every two years. The next state-wide ordinary elections are scheduled for October 2025.

Elections are held every two years for half of the Council.  The Shire President and Councillors are elected for a term of four years. 

Following recent legislative changes candidates will be  elected using an  optional preferential voting system. The Shire President is directly elected by the public and the Deputy Shire President elected from within Council. 

Find out about our Current Councillors.

How to vote

In Western Australia, voting in Local Government elections is not compulsory, however all those eligible are strongly encouraged to vote.

Those eligible will be posted a voting package which includes ballot papers and voting instructions. Electors may then vote from home and post the completed ballot paper.  The completed ballot paper must be received before 6.00pm on polling day. If your postal ballot cannot be returned by post in time, you can deliver it to a polling place by hand.

How to enrol/check your enrolment details

Visit the Western Australian Electoral Commission (WAEC) website to:

Note, if you have registered with the WAEC for a property you occupy in the Shire, you are automatically entitled to vote in the Local Government elections. A voting package will be posted to you. 

Non-resident owners or occupiers of rateable property within the Shire are also entitled to vote. Please complete and submit the form below:

How to nominate as a candidate

Eligible voters who wish to run as a candidate for Council at their local government election must nominate and be registered as a voter in the Shire of Augusta Margaret River.

Find out how to become a Councillor.

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