Department of Transport services unavailable
Due to maintenance work on the 4G network by Telstra in the region, we are currently unable to process any Department of Transport transactions.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and will provide updates as soon as we receive them from Telstra.

All community members are encouraged to connect at any time with their elected Councillors about ideas, issues or concerns within our shire. 

Community Insight Sessions

Community Insight Sessions are an opportunity for Councillors to learn about local community groups and organisations, meet their key staff and/or volunteers, understand the organisation’s current projects and priorities and gain a greater understanding of broader community issues and aspirations. 

The sessions are an informal networking opportunity, where Community Groups are welcome to present information relevant to Council, which may include:

  • Purpose and intention of their organisation
  • Key projects and/or events undertaken by the group/organisation
  • Impact of the group/organisation within the Shire of Augusta Margaret River
  • Key issues or challenges facing the group/organisation.

Important note: Community Insight Sessions are not an opportunity to lobby for Shire funding. Community Groups seeking funding are encouraged to review the Shire Grants Program page and apply for funding.

Community Insight Session Guidelines

While these aren't formal Council meetings, they're conducted in line with the Local Government Act of 1995

Here are the key elements:

  • Opening remarks: A quick introduction by the Shire President or Deputy to set the session's objectives
  • Duration: Each session lasts no more than 2 hours and may include a shared meal
  • Community group input: An opportunity for community groups to present relevant information
  • Council updates: Councillors may share updates on recent or upcoming decisions relevant to community groups
  • Format flexibility: The Shire President or Deputy may adjust the session’s location to meet at the community groups site or office, where suitable.
  • Informality: These sessions are casual and will not be officially minuted
  • Open access: All members of the public are welcome to attend.

Any community group interested in participating in a Community Insight Session is encouraged to submit an Expression of Interest form below. We look forward to your active participation and hearing your community insights.

Cuppa with a Councillor

One way to connect with your Elected Members is to contact them directly for a casual chat.  All are encouraged to catch up with your Elected Members to discuss ideas, issues and/or priorities for you and your community.  Community members can contact Councillors directly to arrange a time to meet throughout the year over an informal Cuppa.

Previously we've hosted informal chats at various cafes throughout the Shire of Augusta Margaret River, including locations in Augusta, Gracetown, Cowaramup, Margaret River, Witchcliffe, Prevelly, Gnarabup, and Rosa Glen. 

Want to secure a 10-minute one-on-one with your local councillor?  Just text or call the Councillor scheduled to attend the session you're interested in. You'll find their contact details here.

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