The Prohibited Burning Period for the Shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 28 March 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.
Councillor David Binks

Contact David

Mobile: 0403 437 516
Email: [email protected]    

About David

Elected in 2021, David has lived in the Capes region since 2005 and moved to Cowaramup in 2017. Over the last 15 years David has served in the Tourism Association and Chamber of Commerce, and has most recently been operating a successful small business that he established in 2007. 

David served as an elected member for five and a half years until 2013 during which time he successfully completed all WA Local Government Association training modules. David was elected as Councillor in October 2021. His term expires in October 2025. 

David has an extensive background in film and television, media and communications, information technology, small business, administration, advertising, internet development, new media design and development, professional photography and film and video production. 

David has a keen desire to connect people in the community with each other, and also with the Council. 

David's Term Expires 
October 2025

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