The Prohibited Burning Period for the shire has been extended and will now apply until midnight Friday 4 April 2025. No fires can be lit in the open air.
Melissa D'Ath

Contact Melissa

Mobile: 0422903906
Email: [email protected]

About Melissa

In 2006, Melissa chose the Augusta Margaret River shire as the ideal place to start and raise her family. Melissa understands that communities are built and maintained through active participation, and quickly became an engaged community member. She offered the benefit of her background in social work through volunteer work, became involved in multiple local groups, and utilised her Bachelor's degree in business to build and manage two businesses: the Margaret River Artisan Store and Retyre Shoes, both founded on the principle of supporting fellow creatives and waste as a resource.

 As President of the local Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2019 to 2022), Melissa represented and supported the small business community during Covid and the main street makeover. This challenging but rewarding volunteer role ignited her passion for advocating for her community and coming up with innovative solutions to issues that arise.

 In recent years, Melissa has played an integral role in:

  • Establishing the Margaret River Region Giftcard
  • Creating the Local-is-More campaign
  • Establishing the Margaret River Business Hub
  • Small businesses accounting vouchers during Covid
  • Organising main street Christmas parties and activations
  • Campaigning for the preservation of nature reserves and community spaces
  • Launching a beach bus trial summer 23/24

 As a Councillor Melissa aims to continue to advocate for the community and preserve what makes our region so special.

Melissa's Term Expires 
October 2027

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